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Q: #Could you correct this sentence?
(it's long sentence)

(title)Believing and English lesson

Recently, I go to English lesson class by xx church per once week.
lecturers in this lesson class are youngsters of missionaries.
I'm not a believer at this church.
However, I consider that they putting effort something message about their believes through this lesson.
I think important to we consider about their believe however it is an another problem to about we becoming believer yes or not.

some days ago, I lessoned about short story titled "puppy love" .

I thought through this puppy's story we should talked about something theme.
however, one learner was different against others. which he asked lecturers.

"in this story appear, is this word pronunciation such this? right?"
he continued.
"what is other words like this word's mean?"

I think that his learning attitude is wet blanket rather than active attitude.

are we should receive how attitude their lessons?

*this sentence is not my opinion.
I tried to translate into English from a post at certain Japanese sns .*

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