Fragen über die Beispielsätze mit, und die Definition und Benutzung von "Drugs"

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Q: Anti-Cancer Drugs

There are various kinds of anti-cancer drugs. Before I introduce them, I will write about what "cancer" is.
Cancer, which is also called "malignant tumor", is a group of abnormal cells that grows by themselves and invades organs. The patients finally died of multiple organ failure.
Now, let's talk about how anti-cancer drugs work. First example is a "cytotoxic drugs". This type of drugs disturb the DNA replication or other important metabolism in cells. However, this type of drugs attack not only cancer cells but also normal healthy cells, therefore they have serious side effects.
The other example is a "molecular targeted drug". This type of drugs can target specific proteins which is related to the growth of cancer cells. The side effect of molecular targeted drugs is not as serious as cytotoxic drugs. klingt das natürlich?

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