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Dear Finn,
It’s been now one year since you’ve passed away and I still can’t believe it. I don’t if I’m going to be able to forget all the things that we lived together. I probably won’t. Do you remember the first time we met. How you saved me? Every day I hate myself more and more to could not be able to save you. I should have to. Now I don’t know where you are maybe you can see me somewhere but I know you so well and I understand you wouldn’t believe in such things. I feel empty. I became nothing but a mess. I was afraid to tell you that because I know you want me to be happy. But how can I be if you are not here with me? I’m trying to keep smiling but it’s so hard. Sometimes I remember all our good memories and I’m still wondering why you committed suicide. In a way I understand how much you were in pain but in an other way I just can’t. We were so happy together and I would have been here for you. You could have told me what was wrong. I know that I have now to move on. I am sure I won’t forget you but still. I just can’t be like that my whole life. I need to do something. You are always going to be special to me but I have to let you go.
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