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Q: This is my Freaking journal!!⭐️❤️⭐️
Guys could you please help with my sentences?
I want to know the most natural and casual way to say these!!
How do you say this??

Please help me!!

1.The weather was so cold today. I feel like, today is the coldest day of this year.

2.I left from work early, because I had a skin care appointment .

3.Lately when I look into a mirror, I feel like I look older. Getting older sucks. I want to look younger forever.

4.I’ve been waiting D’s text message all day long. I don’t even like him but still I’m waiting it. ARRG!!! I hate this feeling.

4.Recently, after dinner, I have a chocolate bar, I know this is a bad habit but I can’t help it, because I stress out so much throughout the day.

5.I’ll have a phone call with Richard tomorrow. I don’t think it will go well but at least just give it a shot. I have nothing to lose.

6.No matter how cold the weather is, I do the cold water shower. It’s one of the part of my discipline.
Q: This is my Freaking journal!!⭐️❤️⭐️
Guys could you please help with my sentences?
I want to know the most natural and casual way to say these!!
How do you say this??

Please help me!!

1.The weather was so cold today. I feel like, today is the coldest day of this year.

2.I left from work early, because I had a skin care appointment .

3.Lately when I look into a mirror, I feel like I look older. Getting older sucks. I want to look younger forever.

4.I’ve been waiting D’s text message all day long. I don’t even like him but still I’m waiting it. ARRG!!! I hate this feeling.

4.Recently, after dinner, I have a chocolate bar, I know this is a bad habit but I can’t help it, because I stress out so much throughout the day.

5.I’ll have a phone call with Richard tomorrow. I don’t think it will go well but at least just give it a shot. I have nothing to lose.

6.No matter how cold the weather is, I do the cold water shower. It’s one of the part of my discipline.
Q: This is my Freaking journal!!⭐️❤️⭐️
Guys could you please help with my sentences?
I want to know the most natural and casual way to say these!!
How do you say this??

Please help me!!

1.The weather was so cold today. I feel like, today is the coldest day of this year.

2.I left from work early, because I had a skin care appointment .

3.Lately when I look into a mirror, I feel like I look older. Getting older sucks. I want to look younger forever.

4.I’ve been waiting D’s text message all day long. I don’t even like him but still I’m waiting it. ARRG!!! I hate this feeling.

4.Recently, after dinner, I have a chocolate bar, I know this is a bad habit but I can’t help it, because I stress out so much throughout the day.

5.I’ll have a phone call with Richard tomorrow. I don’t think it will go well but at least just give it a shot. I have nothing to lose.

6.No matter how cold the weather is, I do the cold water shower. It’s one of the part of my discipline.
Q: This is my Freaking journal!!⭐️❤️⭐️
Guys could you please help with my sentences?
I want to know the most natural and casual way to say these!!
How do you say this??

Please help me!!

1.The weather was so cold today. I feel like, today is the coldest day of this year.

2.I left from work early, because I had a skin care appointment .

3.Lately when I look into a mirror, I feel like I look older. Getting older sucks. I want to look younger forever.

4.I’ve been waiting D’s text message all day long. I don’t even like him but still I’m waiting it. ARRG!!! I hate this feeling.

4.Recently, after dinner, I have a chocolate bar, I know this is a bad habit but I can’t help it, because I stress out so much throughout the day.

5.I’ll have a phone call with Richard tomorrow. I don’t think it will go well but at least just give it a shot. I have nothing to lose.

6.No matter how cold the weather is, I do the cold water shower. It’s one of the part of my discipline.

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