Fragen über die Beispielsätze mit, und die Definition und Benutzung von "Frozak"

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Q: Get yourself into cold is better than Frozak. Yesterday afternoon, I was watching others playing soccer outside. It was about under -10’c bone-chilling cold. After shaking myself outside. I slept well. I felt better than usual.
I’m listening to speeches. ‘Connan O'Brien’ ‘Adm. Mc Raven’ and ‘Bill Gates’. Because the playtime is enough. Voca difficulty is enough and messages are good enough. But the problem is I’m getting tired of repeating. Repeat more than 5 times I want to change the speeches. However, one more problem, I can’t find the right one that I want. For example, Connan O'Brien's speech is the best for me, It has humor, perfect playtime, right speed of speaking (instead of Bill gates one is too slow, Adam McRaven has less humor)
I also tried James King’s ‘I have a dream’ speech but it is too poetic to understand. Yes, I tried steve jobs Stanford one. I liked it but, I repeated this one more than 30 times. I want a new one which is my type. I wish one day I could find one. klingt das natürlich?

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