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Q: During the GW holidays in Japan, we didn’t go out a lot because of the increasing coronavirus cases. Some prefectures has lockdown during holidays. My homeroom is one of them. However, I enjoyed some things that I could do at home, such as reading, studying, eating dinner with my family, and so on. Now I am depressed that I will go to work tomorrow and have to work hard. I don’t like working too much, but there are many things to do everyday. For a change, I try to have something fun every month. I’m thinking going to hot spring at the end of May. klingt das natürlich?
A: × During the GW holidays in Japan, we didn’t go out a lot because of the increasing coronavirus cases.
✓ During the “Golden Week” holidays in Japan, most of us didn’t go out this year because increasing daily number of new coronavirus cases.

× Some prefectures has lockdown during holidays.
✓ Some prefectures were under a State of Emergency during these holidays.

× My homeroom is one of them.
✓ My hometown is one of them.

× However, I enjoyed some things that I could do at home, such as reading, studying, eating dinner with my family, and so on.
✓ However, I enjoyed some things that I normally do at home, such as reading, studying, eating dinner with my family, and so on.

× Now I am depressed that I will go to work tomorrow and have to work hard.
✓ Now I am depressed that I have go back to work tomorrow and I’m very busy.

× I don’t like working too much, but there are many things to do everyday.
✓ I don’t like being as busy as I am, but there are many things to do everyday.

× For a change, I try to have something fun every month.
✓ For a change, I will try to do something fun every month.

× I’m thinking going to hot spring at the end of May.
✓ I’m thinking going to a hot spring resort at the end of May.

It’s pretty good but I changed a few things as some of us outside Japan may not know what Golden Week is. Just remember, A “lockdown” implies leaving your house or going anywhere is illegal. “State of emergency” is a more common translation for 緊急事態宣言.

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