Fragen über die Beispielsätze mit, und die Definition und Benutzung von "Jill"

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Q: Dear Jill,
Hi, I'm back at home. Thank you for putting me up and the time we spent together. Everything was great but there's a little setback, unpacking my bags I couldn't find my coat. Do you remember we were walking in the park on Thursday, it was chilly so I was wearing a grey old look coat. It goes down to a little longer than mid- thigh level, has silver colored buttons and a high collar. The thing isn't that I need this coat right now, the thing is that I left a memory stick with a database of my clients in the inside breast pocket. If I'm not mistaken I hung the coat up on hooks next to your front door so please, check if the coat there and call me.
Tomorrow, my cousin will be in your city. I gave him your contacts so please, meet with him when he calls you.
Sorry that I have to bother you but I really need that memory stick and thank you once again for the time I spent.
Andrew klingt das natürlich?
Q: Dear Jill,
Hi, I'm back at home. Thank you for putting me up and the time we spent together. Everything was great but there's a little setback, unpacking my bags I couldn't find my coat. Do you remember we were walking in the park on Thursday, it was chilly so I was wearing a grey old look coat. It goes down to a little longer than mid- thigh level, has silver colored buttons and a high collar. The thing isn't that I need this coat right now, the thing is that I left a memory stick with a database of my clients in the inside breast pocket. If I'm not mistaken I hung the coat up on hooks next to your front door so please, check if the coat there and call me.
Tomorrow, my cousin will be in your city. I gave him your contacts so please, meet with him when he calls you.
Sorry that I have to bother you but I really need that memory stick and thank you once again for the time I spent.
Andrew klingt das natürlich?

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