Fragen über die Beispielsätze mit, und die Definition und Benutzung von "Joseph"

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Q: Mr. Joseph Dodge called me when I was in a hotel in Los Angeles. He invited me to stop in Detroit on my way home. I arrived there a little after noon on August 21 from New York. As soon as I got off the plane, a car picked me up and drove me to the Bank of Detroit to visit Mr. Dodge. It was a splendid bank. Mr. Dodge gave me a tour of the bank himself for as long as two hours. The bank has 360,000 depositors and billions of dollars in deposits. At a local country club, Mr. Dodge, Mr. Parker, the president of Packard Motor Company, and I had lunch together. Mr. Dodge then accompanied me to the Ford Motor Company plants, which we toured until late in the evening. We had dinner at a social club. I caught the 8:30 flight to Hong Kong. Mr. Dodge is a man of insight and character. He will eventually become a major figure in the North American financial world. klingt das natürlich?

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