Fragen über die Beispielsätze mit, und die Definition und Benutzung von "Judy"

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Q: Can I say these:
- But I'm not as bad-mannered as expected...
- Judy isn't so skilled as we thought...
- Your new jacket is as awful as I've expected!
So weird. Why not say: 'But I'm not as bad-mannered as it's expected'.
And also what if it takes place in the past:
- Your score isn't as high as expected...
The score takes place in the past, so...
- Your score isn't as high as it was expected.
Are they interchangeable?
- I'm not as bad-mannered as it's expected.
- I'm not as bad-mannered as expected.
In addition:
- Your new jacket is so tasteless as your sister's.
- Your new jacket is so tasteless as your sister's is.
Of course, the first one (of the last written ones) is preferable!

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