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Q: What does " He likened Mueller to a “U.S. attorney” in the DOJ’s pecking order." mean?
Especially " “U.S. attorney” in the DOJ’s pecking order." ??

Barr and Mueller are reported to be friends, but a few comments suggested there might be some tension between them. Barr suggested that Mueller could have prevented the confusion in the first place.

“I offered Bob Mueller the opportunity to review that letter before it came out,” Barr said, “and he declined.”

Barr’s intent might have been more to suggest that he did his due diligence in releasing the letter — rather than that Mueller did anything wrong. But it sure sounded as if he was saying Mueller could have spoken up sooner.

Barr also suggested later that Mueller’s opinions don’t really matter, because he serves in the Department of Justice and reports to the attorney general. He likened Mueller to a “U.S. attorney” in the DOJ’s pecking order.

“His work concluded when he submitted the report to the attorney general. At that point, it was my baby,” Barr said. “It was my decision how and when to make it public — not Bob Mueller’s.”

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