Fragen über die Beispielsätze mit, und die Definition und Benutzung von "Pe"

Andere Fragen zu "Pe"

①tutor)why do you want to be a PE teacher?
me)Because I was inspired by a PE teacher who taught me. the pe teacher is woman. she always believed in our potential .so i wanna be a such a person.

②tutor)do you exercise every day?
me)i used to exercise every day. but last year,
i was injured in an accident. so recently i take light exercise about four times a week.

③tutor)where is NARA〔japanese area)?
me)NARA prefecture is just next to OSAKA.

④tutor)what is the most important thing to be a PE teacher?
me) i think there are two important things.
first, be proud of my job
second, To believe in potential of students

⑤tutor)in japn,is american hiphop popular in japan?
me)it shows that the number of janese fun is far less than that of american fan.

⑥tutor)what type of music do they(young people) like?
me)k-pop is very popular among young people.

klingt das natürlich?
A: × ①tutor)why do you want to be a PE teacher?
✓ ①Tutor: Why do you want to be a P.E teacher?

× me)Because I was inspired by a PE teacher who taught me. the pe teacher is woman.
✓ Me: Because I was inspired by a female P.E teacher who taught me.

× she always believed in our potential .
✓ She always believed in our potential.

× so i wanna be a such a person.
✓ So i wanna be like that.

× ②tutor)do you exercise every day?
✓ ②Tutor: Do you exercise every day?

× me)i used to exercise every day.
✓ Me: I used to exercise every day.

× but last year,
✓ Although, last year,

× i was injured in an accident.
✓ I was injured in an accident.

× so recently i take light exercise about four times a week.
✓ So, recently, I do light exercises about four times a week.

× ③tutor)where is NARA〔japanese area)?
✓ ③Tutor: Where is NARA〔Japanese area)?

× me)NARA prefecture is just next to OSAKA.
✓ Me: NARA prefecture is just next to OSAKA.

× ④tutor)what is the most important thing to be a PE teacher?
✓ ④Tutor: What is the most important thing when you become a P.E teacher?

× me) i think there are two important things.
✓ Me: I think there are two important things.

× first, be proud of my job second, To believe in potential of students
✓ First, I must be proud of my job. Second, I have to believe in potential of my students

× ⑤tutor)in japn,is american hiphop popular in japan?
✓ ⑤Tutor: Is American hip hop popular in Japan?

× me)it shows that the number of janese fun is far less than that of american fan.
✓ Me: It shows that the number of Japanese fans is far less than that of American fans.

× ⑥tutor)what type of music do they(young people) like?
✓ ⑥Tutor: What type of music do they(young people) like?

× me)k-pop is very popular among young people.
✓ Me: K-pop is very popular among young people.

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