Fragen über die Beispielsätze mit, und die Definition und Benutzung von "Rpg"

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Q: Like an RPG. I can measure my health condition in percentage. For instance, today morning I can smell and taste something sweet and sugary in my mouth. It means my condition is under 80%. However, it doesn’t taste strongly awful so not under 50%.
As well as morning oral taste. I have many statuses to figure out self HP(Health point). How much my back and knee hurt is one, others are my nose and stomach.
If I can feel my nose dry after wake up. Like I get a cold. It means HP under 70% But if the warming up push-ups works. It means over 90%.
Every morning I drank more than 500ml of pure water and wait for my stomach working. If the operation works too much the day is the tiring day. If not, the day is a good day. These methods are important for me to spend a day. To make a good day I try every day to make my HP upper than 90%
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