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Q: The Best of Scotland in One Week

Hey guys

Last week I went Scotland with my classmates. I think Scotland, it's really wonderful country.

From now I'm going to talk about what I did in Scotland and recommend Someplaces I think really nice in Scotland

First my recommend is Portree. It’s a small city in Scotland. There are really colourful houses. It's like a house on the fairy tales, it's also in “the most beautiful place in Scotland top 10”. If you take a pic from there, then you can get a pic of the day. And if you go to ocean, you can rent boat and having a boat trp. It cost only 29 dollars.

And then the next place I recommend in Scotland I went Isle of Edinburgh

There was so much to see in Edinburgh. I visited several museums, castles and other attractions. In the museum has a lot of interesting to se. I will recommend go to museum. If you go on to high buildings, you can see really good view. If you are not acrophobia, then I’ll recommend going on high buildings and see the views.

If you like to do shopping, then I would recommend Princes Street for you. Princes Street is a shopping street. There is a lot of interesting shops I think I spend my most money to there.

Soland is also cipeer then Denamaek klingt das natürlich?

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