Fragen über die Beispielsätze mit, und die Definition und Benutzung von "Shawshank"

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Q: The Shawshank Redemption is the first film by American film-maker Frank Darabont. A drama story set in 1947 in Portland, Maine, and based on the novel by Stephen King.
The main character is Andrew Dufresne (Tim Robbins), vice president of an important bank, who is judged and found guilty of the murder of his wife and her lover. Despite of the fact that he insists on his innocence, the sentence is clear: life imprisonment. Consequently, he is sent to the prison of Shawshank, where he meets how hard life is in prison. But he also makes a beautiful friendship with ‘’Red’’ (Morgan Freeman), the smuggler of the prison. Over the years he gains the confidence of both wicked the captain and the warden by helping them make money through shady business. However, in 1965 the harmony goes up in smoke when a new prisoner reveals that other person confessed him the murder in another prison.
The great strenght oh this film is the atmosphere it spreads, the beauty of each scene is absolutely gripping. Despite having a standard plot, the film also speaks about dreams and the value friendship in the most hopeless place you can ever imagine. My only criticism would be that the characters are a bit implausible, in the sense of how such people ended up in prison.
Not only is a heart-warming and a moving film, but it also tackles real problems in society, such as the corruption of the power and the side effects of being imprisoned. For all lovers of good stories, The Shawshank Redemption is definitely a must. klingt das natürlich?
A: × Despite of the fact that he insists on his innocence, the sentence is clear: life imprisonment.
✓ Despite the fact that he insists on his innocence, the sentence is clear: life imprisonment.

× Consequently, he is sent to the prison of Shawshank, where he meets how hard life is in prison.
✓ Consequently, he is sent to the prison of Shawshank, where he finds out/realizes how hard life is in prison.

× But he also makes a beautiful friendship with ‘’Red’’ (Morgan Freeman), the smuggler of the prison.
✓ But he also forms a beautiful friendship with ‘’Red’’ (Morgan Freeman), the smuggler of the prison.

× However, in 1965 the harmony goes up in smoke when a new prisoner reveals that other person confessed him the murder in another prison.
✓ However, in 1965, their harmony goes up in smoke when a new prisoner reveals that another person confessed to the murder in another prison.

× The great strenght oh this film is the atmosphere it spreads, the beauty of each scene is absolutely gripping.
✓ The great strength of this film is the atmosphere it creates/has, and the beauty of each scene is absolutely gripping.

× Not only is a heart-warming and a moving film, but it also tackles real problems in society, such as the corruption of the power and the side effects of being imprisoned.
✓ Not only is it a heart-warming and moving film, but it also tackles real problems in society, such as the corruption of power and the side effects of being imprisoned.

This is awesome, I have graded essays from native speakers that aren’t as good as this one. Great work

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