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Q: Spies are coming, to the National Assembly

"The opponent is coming at you with a knife, and you can't stop him with your bare fists."

Lee Jae-myung, the leader of the Democratic Party of Korea, ultimately opted for the interlocking proportional representation system.

Unlike the parallel system, which allows the largest parties to win their fair share of seats based on their share of the vote, the interlocking system favors minority parties, leaving the largest parties with very few seats.

In 2020, when the system was first implemented, both the People's Power and the Democratic Party created proportional satellite parties.

The two major parties were able to win a significant number of proportional seats by defecting a few members to form satellite parties and then pleading, "We're a minority party, please give us proportional seats.

This trick is expected to be repeated in this general election.

Not only is the People's Power, which has consistently insisted on a side-by-side format, but Lee Jae-myung, who said he would not create a satellite party in the last presidential election, has also declared that he will create a satellite party.

I wonder. If he's going to use the trick of a satellite party while apologizing, why not just choose the parallel system? The parallel system is also an advantageous system for Lee Jae-myung.

Nevertheless, Lee Jae-myung ultimately chose the linked sentence because she needed to give a carrot to the forces that had supported her.

Imagine an unscrupulous criminal who is sentenced to two years in prison for both the first and second trial, but claims that it is all due to the dictatorship of the prosecutors.

The only way for him to avoid imprisonment is to delay the Supreme Court's decision by wearing a lawmaker's badge.

Who could possibly vote for this guy?

There will be some fools who will vote for him because they like the way he runs his hands through his hair, but they won't be many.

He'll probably end up in a jail cell instead of Congress.

That doesn't make it easy for Democrats to nominate him.

Even if the Democratic Party favors felons, nominating an unscrupulous criminal with a reputation even as far away as the United States could backfire.

But it's a different story if a satellite party of the Democratic Party nominates him as a proportional representative.

If the satellite party is actually a different name of the Democratic Party, and it is expected that it will form a coalition after the general election, as the Bareun Citizen Party did in the last general election, the aftermath of nominating an unscrupulous person will be much less severe.

Moreover, the Gaeddals who shout 'Thank God!' no matter what Lee Jae-myung does will vote for that party regardless of whether there is an unscrupulous person or not, so the unscrupulous person can easily wear a parliamentary badge!

It was with this intention that Non-Party Chairman Han Dong-hoon criticized the interlocking system, saying, "It is the current election system created by Lee Jae-myung's Democratic Party that allows people like Cho Kook to become lawmakers."

Is the Cho Kook case alone?
Even the vicious leftists who have been strong supporters of Lee Jae-myung are now demanding a parliamentary badge for all the hard work they have done.

Lee Jae-myung, who praises their hard work and wants them to do similar things in the future, cannot refuse, so at least ten of them will enter the National Assembly in this general election.

The problem is that this includes those who deny liberal democracy and sympathize with North Korea's position, and indeed, one sighs when one looks at the number of people who have attended the rally for satellite parties.

There were people with colorful resumes of inciting mad cow disease, opposing the deployment of THAAD, abolishing the National Treasure Act, and calling for the self-destruction of the Cheonan.

Add to that the Progressive Party of Korea, which opposes the U.S.-South Korea alliance and wants to reduce the South Korean military to 200,000 troops.

The fact that people who would not mind going to jail, let alone the National Assembly, are entering the National Assembly through a satellite party of the Democratic Party of Korea makes me worry about the future of Korea.

Look at Yoon Mi-hyang, who wore a lawmaker's badge through a satellite party in the last general election.

She opposed the U.S.-South Korea joint military exercises and participated in the Cho Chong Ryeon event. Worse, each lawmaker is allowed to have nine aides.

In the last parliament, an aide to Democratic Representative Seol Hoon was found to have collected more than 700 military secrets and leaked some of them, and Yoon Mi-hyang's aide was found to have previously engaged in espionage.

The rule of law is not only violated if the motherland gets into the National Assembly, but if these spies get into the National Assembly, the country could be ruined.

This is why Lee Jae-myung's choice is reprehensible.

klingt das natürlich?
A: × Nevertheless, Lee Jae-myung ultimately chose the linked sentence because she needed to give a carrot to the forces that had supported her.
✓ Nevertheless, Lee Jae-Myung ultimately chose the linked sentence because she needed to give a carrot to the forces that had supported her.

× Who could possibly vote for this guy?
✓ Who could vote for this guy?

× There will be some fools who will vote for him because they like the way he runs his hands through his hair, but they won't be many.
✓ There will be some fools who will vote for him because they like the way he runs his hands through his hair, but there won't be many.

× If the satellite party is actually a different name of the Democratic Party, and it is expected that it will form a coalition after the general election, as the Bareun Citizen Party did in the last general election, the aftermath of nominating an unscrupulous person will be much less severe.
✓ If the satellite party is a different name from the Democratic Party, and it is expected that it will form a coalition after the general election, as the Bareun Citizen Party did in the last general election, the aftermath of nominating an unscrupulous person will be much less severe.

× Moreover, the Gaeddals who shout 'Thank God!' no matter what Lee Jae-myung does will vote for that party regardless of whether there is an unscrupulous person or not, so the unscrupulous person can easily wear a parliamentary badge!
✓ Moreover, the Gaeddals who shout 'Thank God!' no matter what Lee Jae-Myung does will vote for that party regardless of whether there is an unscrupulous person or not, so the unscrupulous person can easily wear a parliamentary badge!

× Lee Jae-myung, who praises their hard work and wants them to do similar things in the future, cannot refuse, so at least ten of them will enter the National Assembly in this general election.
✓ Lee Jae-Myung, who praises their hard work and wants them to do similar things in the future, cannot refuse, so at least ten of them will enter the National Assembly in this general election.

× Look at Yoon Mi-hyang, who wore a lawmaker's badge through a satellite party in the last general election.
✓ Look at Yoon Mi-Hyang, who wore a lawmaker's badge through a satellite party in the last general election.

× The rule of law is not only violated if the motherland gets into the National Assembly, but if these spies get into the National Assembly, the country could be ruined.
✓ The rule of law is not only violated if the motherland gets into the National Assembly but if these spies get into the National Assembly, the country could be ruined.

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