Fragen über die Beispielsätze mit, und die Definition und Benutzung von "Street"

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Q: 2.are street markets common in your country?
Yes they are. well I guess, the reason is that Street markets have been historically existing in china since the tang dynasty. I think It’s part of Chinese culture. Besides, People can purchase basic necessities at a low price in a street market. So folks are quite keen on it. In general, it happens either in a village or in a town.  
3.what is usually sold on markets?
As i said earlier, there’s many organic vegetables which are good for our heath. It’s fresh and cheap. So everyone can afford it. What’s more,if you were there, you will smell the scent of food. We call it “street food” which provides residents an opportunity to get together,talk and discuss. Like”oh this is my favourite store”” so am i . that’s my favourite one”. everyone can enjoy in. Above all, you can buy clothes,toys, kitchen utensils and etc. klingt das natürlich?

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