Fragen über die Beispielsätze mit, und die Definition und Benutzung von "Terry"

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Q: Terry Fox was canadian humanitarian, athlete and cancer activist, one of Canada's greatest heroes. He was born the july 28, 1958 in Winnipeg, Manitoba. He passed his childhood in Vancouver, a municipality of Canada. In 1977, he caught bone cancer and was amputated of the leg above the knee. In hospital, he decided to run across Canada and raise money for cancer research. His journey is called The Marathon of Hope. He wanted to attract attention, collect money, more precisely 1$ from each Canadian citizen. To run across Canada, 18 mouths and 5000 kilometers were meeded for his preparation. He started in St John's, Newfoundland the april 12, 1980. His distance every day was 42 kilometers through Quebec and Ontario. Terry Fox died june 28, 1981. In 2005, issue of the Terry Fox dollar, he is the first canadian on coins. Today, Terry Fox Run's organized every year arround the world. And his goal is achieved, the raise of money for cancer research. klingt das natürlich?

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