Fragen über die Beispielsätze mit, und die Definition und Benutzung von "Tests"

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Q: Which one is correct and why?
1. Tests results or test results
2. Month overview or monthly overview
3. Habits tracker or habit tracker
4. Actions to make it happen or actions to make it happens
5. Goal to accomplish or goal to accomplished
6. How I will make it happen or how will I make it happen
7. Why is it important or why it is important
8. Meal's plan or meals plan
9. Travel's destination or travel destination
10. What's working or what's working on
A: These are tough! Some of these are up for debate, but this is what I'd say:
1. "Test results". "Results" are the object here and "test" is there to explain or qualify the word "results", I don't think we would ever pluralise the word that qualifies the noun.
2. Probably "Monthly overview", because in this example overview is the noun and monthly is an adjective which helps to qualify the noun. But it does sort of presuppose that you're doing an overview every month. If it were a one-off I think it would sound more natural to say "one month overview".
3. "Habit Tracker". I think this is because again, the Tracker is the object and "habit" is a qualifier, which i don't think we'd ever use a plural for. For example an array of different colours, despite the fact it had multiple colours would be a "colour chart" rather than a "colours chart".
4. "Actions to make it happen", because happen is a verb, which can't be pluralised.
5. "Goal to accomplish" although I'd suggest that you don't need "to accomplish" at all because the aim of a goal is always that it would be accomplished so its implicit.
6. Either could be correct here, depending on the context. "How will I make it happen?" is a question, whereas "How I will make it happen" works as a title. To make it a full sentence you'd need more, like "Here's how I will make it happen" but I'm assuming this is a title.
7. Same as above. "Why is it important?" is a question. "Why it is important" is a title.
8. Actually neither. Similarly to 1 and 3, the plan is the object and the qualifier can't be plural. So it would be "meal plans" (if there's more than one plan) or else just "meal plan", which can cover multiple meals.
9. "Travel destination" for the same reason, though you could pluralise "destination" if there are multiple places you're traveling to.
10. "What's working" fine as a question or as a title. "Working" doesn't need any further words in the context because as a standalone word in this context it basically means "proving to be effective"

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