Fragen über die Beispielsätze mit, und die Definition und Benutzung von "Tokuso"

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Q: Tokuso(Head of the regency Hojo family) Sadatoki Hojo : You are a SMEGMAーmotherfucker worse than cockroach around shithole! You don‘t get it how tough it is to suceed my father! How dare could you break my heart!

Please correct this.
A: ①You worthless piece of smegma---motherfucking worse
②You rotting motherfucking piece of dick cheese---worse

than a cockroach born out of a shithole! You don't know how tough it (is/was) to succeed my father!

① The audacity to assume how I feel...! How dare you!
② To claim to know how I feel...! How dare you!
③ How dare you assume you know how I feel!
④ You don't know jack shit about me, so how dare you make assumptions---!

※"dick cheese" = has humorous undertones. It sounds slightly juvenile, but more mature than "poopy pants." I don't think (American) English uses smegma or dick cheese as a direct insult. I think they're mostly used to decorate the main insult. Our curse words to emasculate someone involves sucking dick, so "cocksucker", "cocksock", "whore", etc.
Localization is difficult. I tried to keep it close to your original as possible. Pick between ①-②.

※ Nuance of picking "is" or "was"
is = He has not surpassed his father yet. It is still in progress.
was = He surpassed his father. OR He gave up his goal of surpassing his father.

※"The audacity" = I assume he is part of nobility because of his clean clothes and hat, so I added this phrase so that he seems more high-class(?).
※"How dare you break my heart!" = I wouldn't use this line unless there is romance involved. I think there is none in this case. Based on this situation and context, I made ①-④ for you to choose.
There are many factors to consider when expressing an outburst of raw emotion, such as the age of the character, the personality/aura, the character's preferred vocabulary, etc. I'm not confident that I got everything, but I hope I kept the most important parts intact.

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