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Q: This is my answer to “what are your goals while you are a student, and how do you plant to achieve your goals?”
Could you refresh my English ?

To improve my English more, I will take TOEFL test while I’m student. I’m setting my goal of getting a TOEFL score of over 80.
To achieve my goal, I will work hard on improve my agility of English input and output skill. Specifically, I’m going to read English articles more than now. Since TOEFL deal many academic genres, it will help me not only improve my vocabulary and reading comprehension but also know about background knowledge of these genres.
I’m not good at understanding spoken English. So I’m going to make full use of English radio news more regularly and constantly, so that I would be able to understand spoken English without relying on visual aid.
And I’m going to have more opportunities to communicate using English. Since I’m now taking English conversation lessons randomly, I will make a habit of having English conversation lesson.

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