Fragen über die Beispielsätze mit, und die Definition und Benutzung von "Apartheid"

Andere Fragen zu "Apartheid"

1Under the apartheid policy ,white South Africans descriminated against black ones/their black fellow South Africans on the basis of race even though they were the same citizens as the white people.

2Black south Africans were long segregated by thire fellow white South Africans/their fellow white ones based on the apartheid policy,even though they were the same nations as the white people.

I'd appreciate it if you could correct or modify these sentences if they are unnatural and teach me another expressions so that the two sentences will sound natural.Also, needn' t I put " as the white people" after "they were the same citizens" in the sentence 1 and 2?Lastly, I'd like to know whether or not I can replace the words black South Aricans and white South Africans in the both sentences with"ones"

Supplementation: the word" ones "in the two sentences mean South Africans.
Your answe would be much appreciated and thank you in advance! klingt das natürlich?

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