Fragen über die Beispielsätze mit, und die Definition und Benutzung von "Arrhythmia"

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Q: Arrhythmia

Arrhythmia is a condition that your heart cannot beat at a uniform tempo. This condition leads palpitation and heart pain and finally cerebral ischemia resulting in syncope.
Arrhythmia is caused by the problem in electrical conduction system of the heart. This conduction consists of sinoatrial node (SA node) and some fibers to transmit signals. SA node is a pacemaker of the heart; it produces electronic impulse spontaneously and constantly. This impulse travels through the heart via the electrical conduction system and causes heart muscle to contract.
In some disease, this impulse is produced in a place other than SA node. For instance, atrial premature contraction and ventricular premature contraction are the disease which the heart muscle produces impulse by itself.
Reentry is the main factor of arrhythmia. Reentry is a short circuit in the heart and leads tachycardia.
If the reentry occurs in atria regularly, it leads atrial flutter (AFL). This reentry produces impulse 300 times in a minute. If one out of four impulses transmits to heart muscle, it produces 75 heart rate, which causes no symptoms. However, if one out of two impulses transmits to heart muscle, it produces 150 heart rate, which causes palpitation and dyspnea. On the other hand, if the reentry occurs in atria randomly, it leads atrial fibrillation (AF). The AF patients can easily have blood clot in their heart, which sometimes causes cerebral infarction.
If the reentry occurs in the ventricle regularly, it leads ventricular tachycardia (VT). This reentry just causes palpitation but has a risk to turn into ventricular fibrillation (VF). VF is a random reentry in the ventricle and fatal condition. Without the treatment, the patient will die in a few minutes. klingt das natürlich?

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