Fragen über die Beispielsätze mit, und die Definition und Benutzung von "Chech"

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Q: Would you please chech the following paragraph? 🌸

Being an Emotional Sponge is tough.. Having deep empathy is actually so different to being an Emotional Sponge, absorbing people's moods and going through unreasonable moods is harmful, eventually.
Having days where you feel drained for no personal reasons is so though..
Be a good listener, but never be a sponge. Control your own feelings and only go through your own ones..
Listen to people, care for them..But never forget that you're not responsible for what they're going through.. It's not a sin that you can't help, as long as you actually can't.
If you can help, go for it.
But if you can't, never blame yourself for it.

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