Fragen über die Beispielsätze mit, und die Definition und Benutzung von "Convent"

Ähnliche Wörter wie "Convent" und ihre Unterschiede

Q: Was ist der Unterschied zwischen convent und monastery und abbey und cloister ?
A: A cloister is a term that is used to define a place that is available for those wishing to secluded themselves from the rest of society in the hopes of increasing their faith and connection to their spirituality through prayer to God.

A convent is much the same, however, In the past it also used to be used as a term that would mean to bring people together to convene over a matter in a court of law. Now it is used to mean bringing people together in a faith based environment, such as a church. It can also be used in the setting of bringing people together in a cloister, to have them pray and worship together.

A monastery is a term which used to be a place where monks would worship at. If there was a hierarchical structure involved, then there may have been someone with the position of Friar. A friar is one of the lowest managing positions in the church. Friars are responsible for the managing of monks that have committed to living the rest of their lives in a cloister in the worship of monks, for teaching those who are still not committed to such a life but live with the monks and hope to be one some day, as well as preparing for and making sermons to ordinary folk who come to to worship on Sundays.

An Abbey is similar to a Friary (see above), but it is a place that is managed by an Abbot or Abbess. In an Abbey, there would be a separate cloister for men and women. The men would be the monks in their cloister, and the women would be called Nuns in their cloister. The Abbot or Abbess is chosen between the two sides, and is designated as the one who governs both sides in prayers, worship schedule and other duties.

If the nuns lived and prayed in a convent that only has women and is managed by women, then it would be called a Nunnery.

It is generally considered that by convention, an Abbot or Abbess has a higher role compared to a Friar. Therefore a Friar is subordinate in rank to an Abbot / Abbess. They are both subordinates to Bishops, who manage several religious communities in a county. Above that would be an Archbishop who is generally thought of as the most superior in a country, unless they are part of the Catholic Church which has two stations higher, those being the Cardinals and then the highest station of the Pope.

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