Fragen über die Beispielsätze mit, und die Definition und Benutzung von "Cytoskeleton"

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Q: Cytoskeleton

Cytoskeleton is a network of protein fibers in the cell that supports cell structure or enables cells to move or divide. There are three types of cytoskeleton; microfilaments, intermediate filaments and microtubules.
Microfilaments, which is also called Actin filament, is the thinnest cytoskeleton; its diameter is 5-9 nm (nanometer). This consists mostly of protein called Actin and exists near the surface of cells. Microfilaments can keep cell structure and sometimes make pseudopod (temporary arm-like projection, you can easily understand if you imagine amoeba).
Intermediate filaments is thicker than microfilaments; its diameter is 8-12 nm. There are various kinds of components of this filaments; vimentin (seen in many kinds of cells), keratin (seen in Epithelium), neurofilament (seen in neuron (nerve cells)) , lamin (seen in nuclear membrane of cells). It works like bones of body so that it can support cell structure and endure with pressure from outside.
Microtubules is the thickest cytoskeleton and its diameter is 25 nm. It is cylindrical and it consists of two proteins, alpha tubulin and beta tubulin. Microtubules can expand and contract like rubber so it plays important role in intercellular transport, cell division and movement of flagellum of Euglena or sperm. klingt das natürlich?
A: I made some slight grammar changes although overall you’re english is absolutely 素晴らしい!


A Cytoskeleton is a network of protein fibers in the cell that supports cell structure or enables cells to move or divide. There are three types of cytoskeleton: microfilaments, intermediate filaments and microtubules.
Microfilaments, which are also called Actin filament, are the thinnest cytoskeletons; their diameters being 5-9nm (nanometer). The microfilaments consists mostly of protein called Actin and exists near the surface of cells. Microfilaments help keep cells structured and sometimes make pseudopod (temporary arm-like projection, you can easily understand if you imagine amoeba).
Intermediate filaments are thicker than microfilaments; their diameters being 8-12nm. There are various kinds of components of this filaments; vimentin (seen in many kinds of cells), keratin (seen in Epithelium), neurofilament (seen in neuron (nerve cells)), lamin (seen in nuclear membrane of cells). The filaments act as bones do in the body, supporting cell structure and enduring pressuring from outside the cell.
Microtubules are the thickest cytoskeleton with a diameter of 25nm. Microtubules are cylindrical and consists of two proteins, alpha tubulin and beta tubulin. Microtubules can expand and contract like rubber playing a crucial role in intercellular transport, cell division and movement of flagellum of Euglena or sperm.

Probably just an error, but when making a list of things separated by commas use : not ;

Also microtubules is plural for microtubule so you have to use plural pronouns when describing them.

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