Fragen über die Beispielsätze mit, und die Definition und Benutzung von "Dictating"

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Q: What does "dictating parts of a statement that smacked of cover-up."(2nd paragraph) mean?

When news first broke in July 2017 about the now-famous Trump Tower meeting, it looked like just the caught-in-the-act moment critics thought could ensnare Donald Trump.

The 20-minute gathering in Manhattan seemed to have everything: Donald Trump Jr. meeting with a Kremlin-linked lawyer. The supposed promise of dirt on Hillary Clinton. The president personally dictating parts of a statement that smacked of cover-up.

Collusion with Russia, obstruction of justice — Robert Mueller’s twin targets — all seemingly taking place right inside Trump’s signature landmark, just a few months before the election.

In Mueller’s final report, however, the Trump Tower meeting is little more than a blip, just one of a host of incidents that drew his attention. His analysis tells the story of how Trump, his son and many of those in the White House came to escape being charged — due to the difficulty of making indictments stick and the high legal bar Mueller faced to establish criminal intent.

Put simply, it’s hard to catch someone red-handed committing collusion, obstruction or even campaign finance violations — no matter how suspicious or unpatriotic it might look to a legal layperson.

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