Fragen über die Beispielsätze mit, und die Definition und Benutzung von "Dirary"

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Q: Could you please make my dirary sounds casual and natural?🌸🌸🌸

Normally my mom prepares my dinner in advance when I get home from work and usually she sets up my dinner on the dining table. However, recently, she’s been working out around that time and gets home 10 to 15 minutes later than I do. So this evening when I got home, there was no dinner prepared. Of course there were some soup and rice but nothing on the table and she wasn’t there. I got upset, because I was starving. So I took some rice out from the cooker and heated the soup and took out some other dishes from the fridge. while I was having my dinner, my mom got home and said "I’m going to grill you some barbecue just wait a second" but I gave her a complete cold shoulder and I said "No you don’t need to, because I don’t want to waste my precious time for waiting stupid barbecue". I should’ve acted nice to my mom, who loves me the most in this world. I think being somebody’s mom is the most toughest hardest and hurtest job in the world.
A: “Could you please make my diary sound casual and natural?🌸🌸🌸

Normally my mom prepares my dinner in advance and sets the dining table before I get home from work.

However, recently, she’s been working out around that time and gets home 10 to 15 minutes later than I do.

So this evening when I got home, dinner wasn’t prepared.

Of course we have soup and rice, but nothing was on the table, and she wasn’t there.

I got upset because I was starving.

So I took some rice out from the cooker, heated the soup, and got some other food from the fridge.

While I was having my dinner, my mom got home and said “I’m going to grill you some barbecue, just wait a second,” but I gave her the cold shoulder and said, “No, you don’t need to, because I don’t want to waste my precious time waiting for stupid barbecue.”

I should’ve acted nice to my mom, who loves me the most in this world.

I think being somebody’s mom is the toughest job in the world.”


“There were some soup and rice” is technically grammatically correct. However, “there were (singular noun) and (singular noun)” in general sounds so awkward. I just reworded your sentence to avoid this.

Does your mom (or anyone else) eat dinner with you? If so, remove “my” whenever you say “my dinner” (“…my mom prepares dinner in advance…”). If you’re the only person eating, you can keep “my dinner”.

“Toughest” and “hardest” mean approximately the same thing, so it sounds better to choose just one. I know what you mean by “hurtest,” but it’s not a word.

Great job overall, it sounds very good!👍
Q: Could you please make my dirary sounds casual and natural?🌸🌸🌸

Normally my mom prepares my dinner in advance when I get home from work and usually she sets up my dinner on the dining table. However, recently, she’s been working out around that time and gets home 10 to 15 minutes later than I do. So this evening when I got home, there was no dinner prepared. Of course there were some soup and rice but nothing on the table and she wasn’t there. I got upset, because I was starving. So I took some rice out from the cooker and heated the soup and took out some other dishes from the fridge. while I was having my dinner, my mom got home and said "I’m going to grill you some barbecue just wait a second" but I gave her a complete cold shoulder and I said "No you don’t need to, because I don’t want to waste my precious time for waiting stupid barbecue". I should’ve acted nice to my mom, who loves me the most in this world. I think being somebody’s mom is the most toughest hardest and hurtest job in the world.
Q: Could you please make my dirary sounds casual and natural?🌸🌸🌸

Normally my mom prepares my dinner in advance when I get home from work and usually she sets up my dinner on the dining table. However, recently, she’s been working out around that time and gets home 10 to 15 minutes later than I do. So this evening when I got home, there was no dinner prepared. Of course there were some soup and rice but nothing on the table and she wasn’t there. I got upset, because I was starving. So I took some rice out from the cooker and heated the soup and took out some other dishes from the fridge. while I was having my dinner, my mom got home and said "I’m going to grill you some barbecue just wait a second" but I gave her a complete cold shoulder and I said "No you don’t need to, because I don’t want to waste my precious time for waiting stupid barbecue". I should’ve acted nice to my mom, who loves me the most in this world. I think being somebody’s mom is the most toughest hardest and hurtest job in the world.

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