Fragen über die Beispielsätze mit, und die Definition und Benutzung von "Disapproval"

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Q: I am writing to you to show my disapproval of the fees you are going to implant in the delivery orders. The customers should not suffer with that measure if you need to increase your benefits or save money. i have to say i am not agree at all. Aniway i do not just want to complaint. i have a couple of recommendations. Firstly, i suggest starting to use bicycles instead of motorbikes. it would be good for enviroment and your money. We have enough pollution in the city. In second place, i would recommend stoping to utilize those flyers for annuncing your restaurant. Today we live in the internet era so it woul be much better and cheaper announce your meals through a website. Finally, i would like to say that if i were you i would do whatever was in my hands for not increase the price of the meal order. i ve spoken with some members of your chat and they are not very glad about it. Thanks in advance for listening to my complaints.

Sincerly yours,

Mr. Emilio Montaño

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