Fragen über die Beispielsätze mit, und die Definition und Benutzung von "Enjoyment"

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Q: "The enjoyment and comfort friendship can provide, however, makes the investment worthwhile."

I'm not pretty sure how the two verbs are grammatically used.
I think 'provide' is the verb of 'can'.

And I think 'makes' is the verb of 'the enjoyment and comfort friendship'.
But, I wonder why "make'S'" is needed even though the enjoyment and comfort friendship are two.
Or, the enjoyment and comfort friendship is/are in this case regarded as one?
A: Hello @Deaky_Shelby ! These are all good questions. Let's break it down below. 😊

'Provide' (verb): To supply/to give/to make available.

Example sentences:

1)The teacher provided me with extra study books.
--> The teacher gave me extra study books.

2) The army provides soldiers with uniforms.
--> The army supplies uniforms to soldiers.

3) Friendship can provide a person with enjoyment and comfort.
--> Friendship can give a person enjoyment and comfort.

^^ In your example sentence, the verb 'provide' references the nouns 'enjoyment' and 'comfort' and how they are 'given' in friendship.

Makes (verb): In this sentence context, 'make' means 'to cause to be'/'to become'

Example sentences:

1) It's the beautiful beaches that make Australia a popular tourist destination.
--> It's the beautiful beaches that cause Australia to be a popular tourist destination.

2) The comfort and enjoyment that friendship can provide makes the investment in a person worthwhile.
--> The comfort and enjoyment that friendship can provide causes the investment in a person to be worthwhile.

^^ In your example sentence, the verb 'makes' refers to the noun 'investment' and how making time and effort for a friendship can be worthwhile.

The reason why the verb 'makes' has an 's' is because it is referring to the singular noun 'investment' in this sentence, not 'enjoyment and comfort'. If it were referring to 'enjoyment and comfort' it would then be 'make' with no 's'. For example, if the sentence were written like this:

"The rewards of enjoyment and comfort make the investment in a friendship worthwhile."

It seems like Deaky_Shelbyさん knows the rules of when to add an 's' to verbs like this which is really excellent!! 😊Your English is great!

^^ I hope the above is helpful 😊

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