Fragen über die Beispielsätze mit, und die Definition und Benutzung von "Euphemistic"

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Q: 1. That was a very euphemistic way of saying "No".
2. That was a very indirect way of saying "No".
3. That was a very evasive way ~~.
4. That was a very devious way ~~.

Do they all make sense? Which sounds most natural and what would you say?
A: Number 2 is more likely to be said as a sentence. The others could be said depending on the context, and although they are all fairly similar there is a nuance difference between them. I'll explain the 뉘앙스 by talking about each definition.

1. This is based on the word "euphemism". I don't often hear the word "euphemistic" being said but you could say it. "euphemism" is a noun that means language said as a replacement for other language that sounds better. For example. "사장님이 많은 직원을 해고할 계획이에요." The boss is planning on firing many employees. This sounds bad so instead often bosses will say the word "downsizing" which implies that the company is getting smaller. This word sounds nicer and is a euphemism. In the example of saying "no" I think that the word "euphemistic" is unnatural. You could say it, but the feeling I would get is that your'e talking like a professor, or that you're being overly intellectual by saying this.

2. Indirect is similar but is an adjective often to describe words like "path" or "way." I think of indirect as a word that describes things like a path. Instead of walking straight to Namsan tower from 명도 first I went drove to 경복궁 then I went a different way and then went to Namsan tower. Think about the phrase "I don't want to go". This is a direct answer. Think about this. "Do you want to get coffee?" "I am kind of tired". This is more indirect.

3. Evasive is more like purposefully avoiding something. The difference between "evasive" and "Indirect" is interesting. Think of the example of driving to Namsan tower and not going a straight way but taking many turns and going some strange path. Thats indirect. It doesn't necessarily imply danger. But evasive implies danger and completely avoiding something. For example if someone was hiding from the police maybe they will stay away from them. Or if someone is avoiding me for some negative reason I could say "they are being evasive." "Do you want to get coffee?" "Well I'm tired. Maybe." This isn't no, but its indirect. Think about this "Do you want to get coffee?" "Hey what do you think about raising cats and ducks in the same house?" "What, I don't know wait what are we talking about?" "I don't remember anyways see you later bye." This is evasive. The conversation was changed completely and the subject of "coffee" was avoided entirely.

4. Devious doesn't make sense here. Maybe sometimes you could say this but it has nothing to do with avoiding something. Devious means you have some kind of evil plan. Like
"do you want to get coffee?" "No, because did you know that mark secretly hates you" "wow well I am going to go and fire him now." And then when they leave worried about mark you think to your self "now I can become the CEO of the company because they think that Mark hates them and will fire mark". This word is more like some kind of evil plan being used. So probably it would be unnatural in most cases. I assume that you thought of the word "deviate" and then turned it into an adjective. "deviate" and "devious" are very different words. "deviate" is more like changing the subject. Haha 아마 너무 많이 썼을 것 같지만 도움이 됬으면 좋겠어요.

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