Fragen über die Beispielsätze mit, und die Definition und Benutzung von "Force"

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Andere Fragen zu "Force"

Q: What does " blunt force trauma" mean?
(Was his head was physically hit? or Did he have just a stroke?)

What does "institutional neglect" mean?

Philadelphia authorities are investigating the death of the father of former White House national security adviser H.R. McMaster, ABC6 reports.

According to the Philadelphia department of health, the former official's father, H.R. McMaster Sr., died on April 13 of blunt force trauma to the head.

While health officials have ruled his death to be an accident, investigators have labeled the death suspicious, and are looking into whether there could have been institutional neglect in treating him by the retirement community where he lived.

The 84-year-old Korean War veteran reportedly did not receive proper care at the Cathedral Village retirement home, where he was living after suffering a stroke.

The Philadelphia police's homicide unit is looking into allegations that McMaster Sr. had fallen and was placed on a chair and neglected. Employees also reportedly told the McMaster family that records related to his death had been falsified.

Police are investigating the death as suspicious and have obtained a search warrant for the retirement community.

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