Fragen über die Beispielsätze mit, und die Definition und Benutzung von "Grammertical"

Andere Fragen zu "Grammertical"

Q: Could you tell me if there are grammertical errors in sentences below?

We think that our Android operating system is the most spreading for the smartphone. However, the Chinese companies copied Android systems without Google's authorization. Because of this, some Chinese phone makers successfully get the smartphone market in China. The Chinese companies have to get an approval from Google Inc. and have to pay a fee to Google if they need to use the Google-licensed system. Because of a violating Google-licensed system, we think that we should cancel the collaboration with the Chinese apps developer.

We should spend more time about how we can treat this problem from Chinese companies and how we can improve the relationship with the Chinese companies.
Please send me an email if you have any opinions.

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