Fragen über die Beispielsätze mit, und die Definition und Benutzung von "Gypsum"

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Andere Fragen zu "Gypsum"

Q: Gypsum deposits occur under the surface. The largest deposits of gypsum within Russia are in Astrakhan Oblast. The Baskunchak deposit of gypsum has a significant role among other reservoirs of construction materials. The deposit development has been going since 1933 by the Baskunchak gypsum factory that produces gypsum stones and milled raw gypsum. Gypsum is extracted in open-pit mines at a depth 40-42 meters. A sandy and argillaceous overburden with an average thickness of 56 meters covers the gypsum deposit atop. The blasting method is used for gypsum development. A German company Knauf also participates in the development of the gypsum deposit in Astrakhan Oblast. Knauf brothers established a сonstruction company before the war in the 1930s, and it is still in operation. The company is a producer of gypsum building materials under the name Knauf. The company Volma specializes in this business in Volgograd Oblast. klingt das natürlich?

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