Fragen über die Beispielsätze mit, und die Definition und Benutzung von "Influenza"

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Q: Because of A-type influenza is popular. I’m wearing a mask. Every time I put a mask on feels weird and something disgusting. Seldom I can smell and taste sugary thing in my mouth. With the mask on I can smell and taste it stronger. Not just the smell and taste I can feel my skin over my face get something wrong. Feel like bacteria cover my face. One more thing I’m wearing glasses. Every time I wear glasses and put on the mask. I cannot see things properly. Everything is covered with fog especially in winter time.
I’m curious about the name of influenza. Why do we call that as A-type? Is there any special reason?
I heard from someone that A-type is for ‘adult’ and B-type is for ‘baby’. It is very….easy to understand. But is it right? Really?
Fortunately, I’m not getting into cold right now. My temperature is low enough but low enough to feel a headache. I need to do something. klingt das natürlich?

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