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Q: 【Tai Lang Chung Hua Ramen】
I found myself lacking words in English while sharing this great vegan-friendly Japanese ramen restaurant. Let me try my best to get into detail. To be honest, it's such a small restaurant that can only accommodate about 7 people. But their taste of ramen is so delicious that it's worth waiting in line for a meal. The texture of their ramen is tender, chewy and smooth. They have different kinds of soup to choose for ramen. Their soup has a rich taste including Chashu (Japanese Braised Pork Belly), soy sauce, soybean milk, hell spicy, heavenly spicy and oden. The fresh and sweet smell always makes my mouth water. When I savor it, it feels like I'm in Japan. So every time I go to Tainan, it's a must to visit this extraordinary Japanese ramen restaurant.

太郎中華拉麵 純素 klingt das natürlich?

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