Fragen über die Beispielsätze mit, und die Definition und Benutzung von "Listener"

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Q: Unfortunately, I don’t see myself as a good listener. I’d like to be a good listener because it’s obvious that people who are good at listening are more likely to be liked by others and it makes their lives better and rich. On the other hand, there’s a fact that it’s truly hard to get to know each other throughly. So, people tend to speak more than they listen because people want to be understood and recognized. But if you want to be understood by others, you should be a good listener. That’s the fastest way to be understood by others. klingt das natürlich?
A: "I'd like to be a good listener because... and it makes their lives better and [richer]. On the other hand, there's [the] fact that it's [very] hard to get to know [someone] thoroughly. "

I think there are other parts of your paragraph that need to be fixed, but it's not really because of incorrect grammar, it's more because of incorrect logic. Let me explain: you say "But if you want to be understood by others, you should be a good listener.", but I don't think that logically makes sense. I assume, or hope, that you meant to say "But if you want to understand others, you should be a good listener." because that would make sense. Let me put it this way: how will you understand me if I'm the one listening and you're the one talking? Therefore, if you want to be understood by others, even though like you said not everyone is a good listener, the only thing you can really do is speak, not listen. I hope you understand what I mean, and sorry if this was really long.
As far as myself being a good listener, I definitely think I can improve. Like you, though for somewhat different reasons, I too think being a good listener is important. My problem is that my mind is always thinking about something, and often get distracted when I talk to people, so I end up not hearing what they're saying. I'm actually glad I saw your post, because for awhile I've tried to make a consistent effort to improve my listening skills, but I've recently forgot to do so.

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