Fragen über die Beispielsätze mit, und die Definition und Benutzung von "Neutralize"

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Q: To neutralize this dilemma, an old Japanese slogan was invoked. It was 修行 ("shugyō"). This word is difficult to translate into English. So let me give you examples of Japanese martial arts like judo. The Japanese believe that these are neither sports nor self-defense techniques, but rather a steep path that one must climb enduringly to master. In Japanese sports, whether it is Kyudo (Japanese archery) or Kendo (Japanese fencing), practicing these is likened to striving to climb such a steep spiritual path. Their spirituality is collectively referred to as "shugyō." It is often revered outside of Japanese sports. For example, it is said that to become a good sushi chef or Japanese-style art creators, one must endure many years of "shugyō" under strict masters and elders. klingt das natürlich?

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