Fragen über die Beispielsätze mit, und die Definition und Benutzung von "Oppress"

Die Bedeutung von "Oppress" in verschiedenen Ausdrücken und Sätzen

Ähnliche Wörter wie "Oppress" und ihre Unterschiede

Q: Was ist der Unterschied zwischen to oppress und to repress und to suppress ?
A: They all have similar meanings, but there are some subtle differences in meaning:

"oppression" is like widespread persecution, abuse, discrimination, or maltreatment of certain groups of people (such as based on gender, race, nationality, religion, etc.) – To "oppress" is to engage in oppressive behaviors against other people.

Example: a country that forbids girls from attending school

"repression" is very similar to "oppression" but to "repress" is more like using authoritarian power and control to force people to behave a certain way or to adopt certain beliefs – i.e. to force people to conform to expected ideals and "repress" (restrain or inhibit) resistance, disobedience, criticism, expansion of knowledge, creativity, individuality, etc. and restrict personal freedoms/liberties.

Example: a repressive country where people have limited freedoms and people are worried about breaking rules or criticizing the government because there are severe consequences

Note: repression also has other meanings (like you can "repress" a thought or feeling, meaning stop thinking about it or "put it in the back of your mind").

"suppression" is basically when you prevent people from speaking the truth or voicing their criticisms. For example, if a government censors, imprisons, or kills people who are critical of the government, then that is a form of suppression. It's basically using authoritarian power and control to "suppress" (hide, conceal, cover up) information or beliefs. "Suppression" has a similar meaning to "censorship".

Note: suppression also has other meanings (like you can "suppress" or muffle a sound so that it's not as loud/noisy).

Example: country where the government owns and controls all the major news/media outlets and nothing will be published or broadcast on television if it criticizes the government.

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