Fragen über die Beispielsätze mit, und die Definition und Benutzung von "Outline"

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Q: Please correct this outline about Japanese animation, "Violet Evergarden".

The heroine, Violet is a war orphan and picked up by a soldier, Gilbert. He wants her to be an ordinary girl so he teaches her many things, but he is forced to go to a battlefield and use her as a disposable weapon by his senior officer.

He has to go there with her against his will, but he dies there, and his last message to her is "You must survive and please be as nice a woman as your name implies. Sincerely, I love you.". However, she can't understand its mean, "What is love?".

After that war, in order to know "love", she starts working as a "doll" which means a woman who writes a letter instead of a client. While suffering from guilty killing many people on the battlefield, she is encouraged by his last message and contact with many people who want to express their love by a letter, and she gets to know "love" gradually.

At last, Violet writes a letter to Gilbert.

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