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Q: Polls about Multicultural Coexistence; Results of "Questionnaires for improving the live of all foreigners living in the city"

The city carried out polls about multicultural coexistence to understand the awareness and actual conditions of Japanese residents and foreign residents, and to obtain basic materials.

【Japanese residents】
Survey area: entire city

Survey target: Japanese citizens living in the city
1,000 men and women over the age of 20

Extraction method: Random sampling

Survey method: Mail distribution/mail collection

Language used: Japanese

Survey contents: 18 questions, 6 pages of A4 paper

【Foreign residents】
Survey area: entire city

Survey target: Foreign residents living in the city
1,000 men and women over the age of 20

Extraction method: Random sampling

Survey method: Mail distribution/mail collection

Language used: Simple Japanese, English, Chinese, Korean, Vietnamese, Portuguese

Survey contents: 26 questions, 10 pages of A4 paper

【Results of Survey】
Sample numbers:
Japanese residents 1000
Foreign residents 1000

Total answer count:
Japanese residents 364/1000
Foreign residents 247/1000

Percentage of attendance:
Japanese residents 36.4%
Foreign residents 24.7% klingt das natürlich?

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