Fragen über die Beispielsätze mit, und die Definition und Benutzung von "Readmission"

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Q: Hello, I have tried to send a readmission form of my language school. But, my writing skill is so poor....Please help me: (If you find problem or strange on my sentence, please make them correct as possible as you can)

My question:

1. Could you read letters what I filled in the blank? My worry is that letters on the blank seems to be small and compact. If you are trouble reading it, Is it possible to fill in the blank by hand-writing.

2. : Is it required to sign a signature by my handwriting?


When I first entered in ELV, I received an admission from the department of college of letters & science majoring in language studie. So I will fill in the blank of School/College with college of letters & science. But I am not sure what I write down on the blank of Major, what I take one both language studies and undeclared. ( I did not decide to declare my major before leaving campus)

klingt das natürlich?

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