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Q: The referee was biased. I bet he received a bribe from the opponent. klingt das natürlich?
A: This sentence is almost fully natural. What makes it not fully natural is the word “opponent”. The word “opponent” basically means “your enemy” or in the case of sports “the other team”. Since the subject is more about the referee and about the referee’s lack of good judgment, the referee doesn’t have an opponent because the referee is not trying to win; the referee’s job is to judge and punish players for not following the rules. When you say “opponent” and when the referee is the subject, it makes the sentence a bit confusing, which confusing makes it a little unnatural, meaning I don’t think a native should be speaking in a confusing way. However, the sentences are correct, and if you say it this way, I still would understand what you meant, in that the referee is biased and that the referee made a call so bad, that I would suspect the referee is receiving a bribe from one of the teams or is getting something valuable in exchange for giving one team an advantage over the other team. I could imagine saying these sentences this way if you are your friends were watching the same game at the same time, and both you and your friend favors one team out of the two teams, so you guys say those sentences and you both definitely know who’s the opponent. But this would be confusing if you said this to not your friend but to your rival that likes your opponent; the listener would slightly be confused and think, wait, which side are you on?” Otherwise, I would say, “The referee was bias. I bet he received a bribe from one of the teams.” or “I bet he received a bribe from the other team.” But this is really nitpicky; the sentences are pretty natural.

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