Fragen über die Beispielsätze mit, und die Definition und Benutzung von "Roots"

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Q: How far back do your roots go?

Japan has a long history. People in Honshuu seem to be able to trace their roots and history of their family tree, as far as they live in the same place that they inherit from their ancestors.
But Hokkaido is completely different from them in going back to our roots.
Our ancestors were people that were likely to have difficulties for living in their hometown.
That’s why they dared to leave their hometown for “a new world, Hokkaido" as pioneers.
I was born in Hokkaido.
I don’t know about any ancestors except my grandparents, who came from Tohoku, and Kagawa Pre.
I might have my blood relatives there, but I don’t have any means of knowing about them.
klingt das natürlich?

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