Fragen über die Beispielsätze mit, und die Definition und Benutzung von "Ryo"

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Q: I'm ryo. How are you?
I'm studying in English.
but I'm still a biginner in English because it's so difficult.
I heard that good studying matter is doing jouraling.
So I started today.
I'm living in Shimane in Japan.
but I was born in Fukuoka.
Fukuoka is very urban.
Shimane is very county.
I came to Shimane in order to work.
I’m very disappointed,but Shimane is good place than I thought.
Shimane is very quite because a few people and no noises.
However if when I go to my parents home,I have to drive long time.
There is transfer my company.
I hope I’m going to go to near place at the my parents home.

Thanks a lot for correcting my English. klingt das natürlich?
A: × I hope I’m going to go to near place at the my parents home.
✓ I hope I’m going to go to a/some place near my parent's home. (alt: my parent's house)

× I'm ryo.
✓ I'm Ryo.

× I'm studying in English.
✓ I'm studying English.

× but I'm still a biginner in English because it's so difficult.
✓ but I'm still a beginner in English because it's so difficult. (note: you don't have to repeat "in English" here!)

× I heard that good studying matter is doing jouraling.
✓ I heard that a good way to study is (by) doing journaling . (alt: by keeping/writing a journal)

× I'm living in Shimane in Japan.
✓ I'm living in Shimane in Japan. (alt: I live in)

× Shimane is very county.
✓ Shimane is very country.

× I came to Shimane in order to work.
✓ I came to Shimane in order to work. (alt: I came to Shimane for work)

× I’m very disappointed,but Shimane is good place than I thought.
✓ I’m very disappointed, but Shimane is a better place than I thought.

× Shimane is very quite because a few people and no noises.
✓ Shimane is very quite because there are few people and no noise.

× However if when I go to my parents home,I have to drive long time.
✓ However if when I go to my parents home, I have to drive long time. (alt: However, if I want to visit my parents, ..)

× There is transfer my company.
✓ There is a transfer option with my company.

I added some variations that you could also say along with the corrections, so anything after (alt: ) isn't a correction - just an alternative way you could phrase it :)

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