Fragen über die Beispielsätze mit, und die Definition und Benutzung von "Sashimi"

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Q: About Sashimi konnyaku : I would like you to change this to more natural English please.
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At a supermarket in Japan,I recommend you find sashimi konnyaku includes a pack of sauce which is called Karashi-miso からしみそ. This sauce and sashimi konnyaku matches very well.
It is made from miso, mustard, vintner and sugar.
It would be also a good idea to put a little bit wasabi and soy sauce on it instead of Karashi-miso.

Probably you can buy Sashimi konnyaku in supermarkets in Japan, but please make sure you should find the name 刺身こんにゃく or さしみこんにゃく, because normal konnyaku こんにゃく usually requires boiling for eating.
Sahimi konnyaku doesn't require boiling.
Eating normal konnyaku without boiling and seasonings is not tasty.
However, konnyaku is already boiled in the manufacturing process.

Sashimi means sliced raw seafood or meat.
Sashimi konnyaku is not made from those kind of food and isn't raw but it is like sashimi in texture.
It is good for vegetarians. klingt das natürlich?

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