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Q: Nagashi-somen, or flowing somen is one of the popular events for a happy family reunion in summer.

There are roles for each generation ;Young men climb a mountain to get nice bamboo trees, carries them to their home, then cut them to make a long tube. Boys help them, and old men advise them.

They cooperate each other to build a long
bamboo tube at their yard, where they enjoy the event,

Women and girls cook noodles and prepare dishes for the event.

Kids play in the yard and helps adults sometime.

At the call of a master, everyone stands by the side of the tube, holding chopsticks and soup bowls, lined up in order of height. And they wait noodles to come. You can eat as much as you like but how much you can eat depends on your luck.

Nowadays, noodle are not only the food to be floated, they also float chocolates, fruits, and even small toys so that they don’t get bored till the end.

Everybody enjoy the nagashi-somen event just because it involves both gender and all generations.
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