Fragen über die Beispielsätze mit, und die Definition und Benutzung von "Stakes"

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Q: What does "speaks to the high stakes for (somebody)" (4th paragraph) mean?

WASHINGTON — The date had been picked, the location too, and the plan was penciled in: President Donald Trump would be whisked from the White House to Camp David on a quiet winter Saturday to answer questions from special counsel Robert Mueller's team.

But as the Jan. 27, 2018, date neared and Mueller provided the topics he wanted to discuss, Trump's lawyers balked. Attorney John Dowd then fired off a searing letter disputing Mueller's authority to question the president. The interview was off.

Nearly a year later, Trump has still not spoken directly to Mueller's team — and may never. Through private letters, tense meetings and considerable public posturing, the president's lawyers have engaged in a tangled, tortured back-and-forth with the special counsel to prevent the president from sitting down for a face-to-face with enormous political and legal consequences.

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