Fragen über die Beispielsätze mit, und die Definition und Benutzung von "Suitable"

Ähnliche Wörter wie "Suitable" und ihre Unterschiede

Q: Was ist der Unterschied zwischen suitable und fit und proper und appropriate ?
A: Okay so they are basically all synonyms of each other, they generally mean the same thing. Suitable and fit have a really close meaning. They can both mean "best for", it's the best or better thing for something to work well. For example, "a coat is more suitable for cold weather than hot weather". The words fit and suitable are most often used in sentences as "suitable for ____." Then, "Appropriate" and "proper" are more similar to each other. They can mean the same thing as "suitable" and "fit" as well, meaning what is best for something. However, "appropriate" and "proper" are specifically known more to be used when talking about something that is also polite, not offensive, or follows the rules. For example, "Violent and sexual programs on television are inappropriate for children." Saying the programs "are not suitable for children" is the same way to say it, but the more casual and common usage would be "inappropriate" because that word is so often related to something being offensive and causing distaste, discomfort, anger, or disgust. People are way more likely to say "inappropriate" about things that should not be done or mentioned in the places that it happened- such as using curse words, being rude, sexual behavior. "Proper" and "appropriate" could also mean that the action or idea basically follows how something is expected to be done. The word "proper" can be seen as a bit more formal than "inappropriate". In a common way, "proper" is most associated with following rules and expectations, especially in a formal sense when talking about manners. For example, formal dinner parties especially are known to have rules about table manners such as keeping your elbows off the table. "Keeping elbows off the table shows proper table manners" or a teacher telling a student slouching in their chair "sit up, sit properly". Here, "proper" would sound best rather than "fit/fitting", and "suitable"

Hope this helps! 😊

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