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Q: After joining toastmasters, it has opened my eyes and changed my life, my personality, my relationship, my career. Also I have learned to build English communication capability and leadership skill.
Shortly after joining TMs, I delivered my first ice breaker speech and I was very nervous then. My legs were shaking, and my hands were sweating. I don’t know how I finished my speech. After finishing my speech, my brain was totally blank. Then I said to myself, I do not want to give any speeches ever. But encouraged by my mentor, I continued to delivery my speech. In the process, I learn to be more active to build relationships with other members, and learned to conquer my stage fright.
(Example 2 –leadership skills)
By choosing to join toastmasters, I also learned leadership which benefit my work a lot.
One of the founding principles of Toastmasters is leadership not just public speaking ability and it’s also a learn-by-doing training program. klingt das natürlich?
A: × After joining toastmasters, it has opened my eyes and changed my life, my personality, my relationship, my career.
✓ After joining toastmasters, it has opened my eyes and changed my life, my personality, my relationship, and my career.

× Also I have learned to build English communication capability and leadership skill.
✓ Also I have learned to build English communication capability and leadership skills.

× Then I said to myself, I do not want to give any speeches ever.
✓ Then I said to myself, I do not want to give any more speeches ever.

× But encouraged by my mentor, I continued to delivery my speech.
✓ But encouraged by my mentor, I continued to deliver my speech.

× In the process, I learn to be more active to build relationships with other members, and learned to conquer my stage fright.
✓ In the process, I learned to be more active to build relationships with other members, and learned to conquer my stage fright.

× By choosing to join toastmasters, I also learned leadership which benefit my work a lot.
✓ By choosing to join toastmasters, I also learned leadership skills which benefit my work a lot.

× One of the founding principles of Toastmasters is leadership not just public speaking ability and it’s also a learn-by-doing training program.
✓ One of the founding principles of Toastmasters is leadership not just public speaking ability, and it’s also a learn-by-doing training program.

This is great!! I just made a few corrections to make it sound a little smoother and more natural 😊

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