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Q: todayat i show you how to make fried squid with cauliflower. it is good for our heeath like prevent cancer, reduce cholesterol and it is good for people who is on diet
1 cauliflower
300g squid
1 onion
step1: we cut cauliflower into pieces. wash it . let it dry. and we cut the pepper into slices.
step2: cut spuid into slices. add some seasoning, salt, chilli, minced onion. we mix together. and keep it for 15 munites to make sure squid infused spices.
step3: we take the pan. we add some oil into the pan. we heat it up. we add the squid into that pan to fry. when the squid is nice, we add cauliflower, add pepper . and we mix together to make it is nice. after that we turn off the heat and put it on the dish. we can try it with some soy. have a good meal. thank you for reading.

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